
English - Contacts

Sokolovská 438/45
Praha 8, 186 00

+420 777 332 751

We are an attorney office that provides legal aid in all major fields of the Czech law. We provide legal aid in both Czech and English.

Basic information:
attorney ofiice of Mgr. Jakub Vavřík
seat at: Sokolovská 438/45, Praha 8, PSČ 186 00
registration number of the Czech Bar Association: 11734
Identification Number: 714 65 103
Tax Identification Number: CZ7912020039 (we are VAT payers)

You can contact us using the following:

The office:

  • Phone 224 261 011
  • Fax 224 261 091
  • Address Sokolovská 438/45, Praha 8 - Karlín, PSČ 186 00

Mgr. Jakub Vavřík, advokát

  • Mobile Phone: 777 332 751
  • E-mail:

We co-operate with JUDr. Milan Štemberg, advokát

bureau at: Sokolovská 438/45, Praha 8, PSČ 186 00 (please pre-arranged appointments)
seat at: Cyrila Boudy 1444, Kladno, PSČ 272 01 (please pre-arranged appointments)
registration number of the Czech Bar Association: 15152
Identification Number: 020 80 648
Tax Identification Number: CZ8608020014 (we are not VAT payers)

  • Mobile phone: 774 489 509
  • E-mail: